Posted in Feelings, NEW, Stories

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me here on this new venture that I’ve finally taken the plunge to make.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Whilst I get this blog set up, I hope you take a minute to consider this:


As a child and/or young adult, what were your biggest struggles? Did you ever feel like you had the world on your shoulders and nowhere to go with it? Were you ever feeling insignificant, confused, alone, angry?

Yeah, I think we all did at some point, from those experiences come many of our habits as an adult, but what if we could help other children get through those times? Encourage them to acknowlege their emotions, anger, frustrations etc.

Stories are a powerful way to not only lose ourselves in imaginative wonder-worlds but to define our next move, our next dream or goal, to feel like we aren’t alone or just plain weird.

I’d love to hear your stories on your childhood experiences as you progressed from one milestone to another, from one life experience to the next, etc.

If you have a few minutes to spare, drop me a comment, email me, follow me on Twitter, Facebook or even find me on my own Facebook account. I’d really love to hear from you.

Nothing you share with me will be disclosed without your prior permission. Pinky promise 😉

